
The BMW Summer University 2024 - co-organized by EURECOM, TUM, and the BMW Group, with the support of BayFrance, the Franco-German University, the Franco-German Academy for the Industry of the Future and IVADO - will be held from June 30 to July 5, 2024.

The program includes a week of debates and mini-hackathons on the opportunities and challenges of artificial intelligence for the future of mobility...

BMW summer School 2024

Join the TechForward incubator in Sophia Antipolis!
Are you developing an impactful technological project and dream of propelling it to new heights?
Apply until June 9 midnight to join the TechForward incubator founded by EURECOM, the Institut Mines-Télécom and EDHEC.

Link to the info session on May 29 at 1:00 p.m.:
Applications until June 9:

visual TF EN








For the 2nd consecutive year EURECOM welcomed researchers, decision-makers and industy to its stand, supported by Carnot TSN, at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, dedicated to the networks of the future and connectivity. An opportunity to talk about the outstanding research at EURECOM, close to the needs of the industry and the innovative solutions proposed. Curious to know more about the place of innovation at EURECOM? Watch this video:

EURECOM is once again this year the 2nd school in France in "Telecommunications Engineering" & 1st in France thanks to the IC indicator which evaluates the level of International Collaboration (IC) between institutions.
This 2nd place among schools in “Telecommunications Engineering” in France represents a great recognition for its 30 years dedicated to research and teaching in digital sciences and its international collaborations!


EURECOM is a major Engineering School and a Research Center in…

Contexte du poste

La Direction de la Communication assure la communication externe et interne d’EURECOM. Le…


  • Dans le cadre des activités de recherches d’EURECOM, nous développons des…


EURECOM est une école très internationale, avec 70 % des…

Contexte et mission du poste

Bienvenue à EURECOM, Grande école d’ingénieurs…

EURECOM se développe et poursuit le renforcement de ses équipes ! Nous créons un nouveau poste au sein de notre service IT (10…