Technical Courses


T ATWireless 2023 Advanced topics in wireless communications
T AwaRe 2023 Awareness-raising to research
T BasicOS 2023 Fundamentals in Operating Systems
T BigSec 2023 Security and privacy for Big Data and Cloud
T Clouds 2023 Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing
T ComLab 2023 Wireless Communication Laboratory
T CompArch 2023 Computer architecture
T ComProg 2023 Computer Programming
T DBSys 2023 Database Management System Implementation
T DigiCom 2023 Digital communications
T EmSim 2023 Emulation and simulation methodologies
T ImCod 2023 Image & Video Compression
T ImProc 2023 Digital Image Processing
T InfoTheo_2 2023 Advanced Topics In Information Theory
T IntroArchi 2023 Introduction to Computer architecture
T IntroNet_1 2023 Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet 1
T ITBasics 2023 Les bases de l'Informatique
T MALIS 2023 Machine Learning and Intelligent System
T MathEng 2023 Essential Mathematical Methods for Engineers
T MobCom 2023 Mobile communication techniques
T MobiSec 2023 Mobile Systems and Smartphone Security
T MobMod 2023 Mobility Modeling
T MobServ 2023 Mobile application and services
T MobSys 2023 Mobile communication systems
T MPC 2023 Multiparty Computation and Blockchains
T Optim 2023 Optimization Theory with Applications
T OS 2023 Operating systems
T ProjS5 2023 Project S5
T QUANTIS 2023 Quantum Information Science
T SecCom 2023 Secure communications
T SoftDev 2023 Software development methodologies
T SoundProc 2023 Sound and Music Processing
T SSP 2023 Statistical signal processing
T Stand 2023 Standardization activities
T SysSec 2023 System and Network Security
T UMLEmb 2023 Designing embedded systems with UML
T UpSigProc 2023 Upgrade Signal Processing
T WebSem 2023 Semantic Web and Information Extraction Technologies


T 3DGraph 2025 3-D and virtual imaging (analysis and synthesis)
T AML 2025 Algorithmic Machine Learning
T APPIOT 2025 Iot Application Protocols
T ASI 2025 Advanced Statistical Inference
T AwaRe 2025 Awareness-raising to research
T CompMeth 2025 Computational Methods for digital communications
T DataBase 2025 Introduction to Databases
T DeepLearning 2025 Deep Learning
T DigiPro 2025 Discovery of the digital professions
T DigitalSystems 2025 Digital systems, hardware - software integration
T Forensics 2025 Cyber-crime and Computer Forensics
T FormalMet 2025 FormalMethods-Formal specification and verification of systems
T HWSec 2025 Hardware Security
T ImSecu 2025 Imaging Security
T InfoTheo_1 2025 Information Theory 1
T IntroNet_2 2025 Introduction to Computer Networking and the Internet 2
T IntroSec 2025 Introduction to Cybersecurity
T IntroStat 2025 Introduction to statistics
T MALCOM 2025 Machine Learning for Communication systems
T MobAdv 2025 Mobile Advanced Networks
T MobiCore 2025 Next generation Mobile Core Network
T MobWat 2025 Wireless Access Technologies
T PlanTP 2025 Transportation Planning
T Proj-S6 2025 Student Project S6
T ProtIOT 2025 Iot Communication Protocols
T Radio 2025 Radio engineering
T ResProj 2025 Projet de recherche
T SP4COM 2025 Signal Processing for Communications
T Speech 2025 Speech and audio processing
T TraffEEc 2025 Emission and Traffic Efficiency
T WebInt 2025 Interaction Design and Development of Modern Web Applications
T WiSec 2025 Wireless Security