MSc Networks and Telecommunication, Intelligent Communication Systems track

Language of Instruction : English



The MSc MobCom aims at providing the theoretical background and the applied know-how for engineers in Mobile Communication Systems. 

The goal is to tackle the problems from a system viewpoint, taking a vertical cut and following a cross-layer design approach. This corresponds to both the most recent trend in research and to the most desired professional profile for engineers in this field. In fact, it is now well-recognized that problems related to physical layer transmission techniques (RF design, signal processing algorithms, channel coding and modulation), and upper layer protocols (link layer control, multiple-access, routing), that were traditionally treated in a separate fashion in wired networks, must be treated jointly in mobile communication networks. 



Sophia-Antipolis is considered as a major European region for telecommunications research and development in southern France. EURECOM, which is a consortium of academic and industrial partners, has established over the years a synergy with the local industrial environment on advanced research topics. 

During their Master of Science, students will benefit form the expertise of renowned industrial partners (Alcatel, Bouygues, SFR, France Télécom R&D, Philips, Thales, ST Microelectronics, Hitachi, Texas Instruments, IBM, BMW, SAP, Sharp, ESA) as well as the use of cutting edge technological platforms within EURECOM's Wireless Communication laboratory.

 Language of instruction : English

Awarded Degree: Master's degree fully recognized by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The degree is co-delivered by EURECOM and the INSTITUT MINES TELECOM (French leading consortium of the best Engineering Schools in France).The degree allows for further Phd Studies.


To be eligible, Candidates need

  • Bachelor's Degree (minimum 3 years of higher education) in a relevant field
  • Strong foundation in mathematics
  • Certified B2 level in English. Also, French classes will be compulsory during your stay at EURECOM, the obtention of a A2 certification being needed to obtain the degree.




Students need to validate a certain amount of credits per Teaching Unit each semester. The curriculum offers great flexibility by offering many electrive courses. Please consult the Academic Schedule and the Frequently Asked Questions for more Information about the schedule organisation.

See the video presentation of the Master here

SEMESTER 7 - FALL (30 ECTS)  - September – February

Basics for Telecom Unit ECTS: 10.00
Min sum of Weight: 1.00
T MALIS Machine Learning and Intelligent System Weight: 0.50
T MobSys Mobile communication systems Weight: 0.50
T SysSec System and Network Security Weight: 0.50
Humanities and social sciences 1 Unit ECTS: 4.00
Min sum of Weight: 1.00
G CSE The challenges of a sustainable economy Weight: 0.50
G ManagIntro Introduction to management Weight: 1.00
G Property Intellectual property law Weight: 0.50
G RDI Responsible Research and Innovation: Health, Environment, Ethics and Technology Weight: 0.50
G TeamLead Personal Development and Team Leadership Weight: 1.00
Mobile Networks and Models Unit ECTS: 10.00
Min sum of Weight: 1.00
T ATWireless Advanced topics in wireless communications Weight: 0.50
T DigiCom Digital communications Weight: 0.50
T MobCom Mobile communication techniques Weight: 0.50
T SSP Statistical signal processing Weight: 0.50
Scientific and technical opening1 Unit ECTS: 5.00
Min sum of Weight: 1.00
T ATWireless Advanced topics in wireless communications Weight: 1.00
T AwaRe Awareness-raising to research Weight: 0.50
T BigSec Security and privacy for Big Data and Cloud Weight: 0.50
G CitiCom Engagement citoyen Weight: 0.50
T Clouds Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing Weight: 1.00
T CompArch Computer architecture Weight: 1.00
T DBSys Database Management System Implementation Weight: 1.00
T DigiCom Digital communications Weight: 1.00
T EmSim Emulation and simulation methodologies Weight: 0.50
T ImCod Image & Video Compression Weight: 0.50
T ImProc Digital Image Processing Weight: 0.50
T InfoTheo_2 Advanced Topics In Information Theory Weight: 0.50
T MALIS Machine Learning and Intelligent System Weight: 1.00
T MPC Multiparty Computation and Blockchains Weight: 0.50
T MathEng Essential Mathematical Methods for Engineers Weight: 0.50
T MobCom Mobile communication techniques Weight: 1.00
T MobMod Mobility Modeling Weight: 0.50
T MobServ Mobile application and services Weight: 1.00
T MobSys Mobile communication systems Weight: 1.00
T MobiSec Mobile Systems and Smartphone Security Weight: 1.00
T OS Operating systems Weight: 1.00
T Optim Optimization Theory with Applications Weight: 0.50
T QUANTIS Quantum Information Science Weight: 0.50
T SSP Statistical signal processing Weight: 1.00
T SecCom Secure communications Weight: 1.00
T SoftDev Software development methodologies Weight: 0.50
T Stand Standardization activities Weight: 0.50
G StudCom Engagement étudiant! Weight: 0.20
G StudInit Student Initiative Weight: 0.50
T SysSec System and Network Security Weight: 1.00
T UMLEmb Designing embedded systems with UML Weight: 0.50
T WebSem Semantic Web and Information Extraction Technologies Weight: 0.50

Language Unit ECTS: 1.00

(French, or another language if the student is already fluent in French)

SEMESTER 8  - SPRING (30 ECTS)  - March – June

Humanities and social sciences 2 Unit ECTS: 4.00
Min sum of Weight: 1.00
G Business Business Simulation Weight: 1.00
G Law General introduction to law : contracts, setting up a business Weight: 0.50
G ProjMan Project management Weight: 1.00
G SATT Sociological Approaches of Telecom Technologies Weight: 0.50
G TeamLead Personal Development and Team Leadership Weight: 1.00
G WebStra Web strategy and organizational Performance Weight: 0.50
Mathematical & Algorithmic Methods Unit ECTS: 10.00
Min sum of Weight: 1.00
T AML Algorithmic Machine Learning Weight: 0.25
T ASI Advanced Statistical Inference Weight: 0.50
T CompMeth Computational Methods for digital communications Weight: 0.50
T DeepLearning Deep Learning Weight: 0.25
T SP4COM Signal Processing for Communications Weight: 0.50
Networking for Telecom_18 month Unit ECTS: 10.00
Min sum of Weight: 1.00
T InfoTheo_1 Information Theory 1 Weight: 0.50
T MALCOM Machine Learning for Communication systems Weight: 0.50
T MobAdv Mobile Advanced Networks Weight: 0.25
T MobWat Wireless Access Technologies Weight: 0.25
T MobiCore Next generation Mobile Core Network Weight: 0.25
T Radio Radio engineering Weight: 0.50
Scientific and technical opening 2 Unit ECTS: 5.00
Min sum of Weight: 1.00
T 3DGraph 3-D and virtual imaging (analysis and synthesis) Weight: 1.00
T AML Algorithmic Machine Learning Weight: 0.50
T APPIOT Iot Application Protocols Weight: 0.50
T ASI Advanced Statistical Inference Weight: 1.00
T AwaRe Awareness-raising to research Weight: 0.50
G CitiCom Citizen Commitment Weight: 0.50
T CompMeth Computational Methods for digital communications Weight: 1.00
T DeepLearning Deep Learning Weight: 0.50
T DigitalSystems Digital systems, hardware - software integration Weight: 1.00
T Forensics Cyber-crime and Computer Forensics Weight: 1.00
T FormalMet FormalMethods-Formal specification and verification of systems Weight: 0.50
T HWSec Hardware Security Weight: 0.50
T ImSecu Imaging Security Weight: 0.50
T InfoTheo_1 Information Theory 1 Weight: 1.00
T IntroStat Introduction to statistics Weight: 0.50
T MALCOM Machine Learning for Communication systems Weight: 1.00
T MobAdv Mobile Advanced Networks Weight: 0.50
T MobWat Wireless Access Technologies Weight: 0.50
T MobiCore Next generation Mobile Core Network Weight: 0.50
T PlanTP Transportation Planning Weight: 0.50
T ProtIOT Iot Communication Protocols Weight: 0.50
T Radio Radio engineering Weight: 1.00
T ResProj Projet de recherche Weight: 1.00
T SP4COM Signal Processing for Communications Weight: 1.00
T Speech Speech and audio processing Weight: 0.50
G StudCom Student Commitment Weight: 0.20
G StudInit Student Initiative Weight: 0.50
T TraffEEc Emission and Traffic Efficiency Weight: 0.50
T WebInt Interaction Design and Development of Modern Web Applications Weight: 0.50
T WiSec Wireless Security Weight: 0.50

Language Unit ECTS: 1.00

(French, or another language if the student is already fluent in French)

SEMESTER 9 (30 ECTS) - FALL - September – February

Advanced Telecom Unit ECTS: 10.00
Min sum of Weight: 1.00
T Clouds Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing Weight: 0.50
T InfoTheo_2 Advanced Topics In Information Theory Weight: 0.25
T MPC Multiparty Computation and Blockchains Weight: 0.25
T MobServ Mobile application and services Weight: 0.50
T MobiSec Mobile Systems and Smartphone Security Weight: 0.50
T UMLEmb Designing embedded systems with UML Weight: 0.25
T WebSem Semantic Web and Information Extraction Technologies Weight: 0.25
Humanities and social Sciences 3 Unit ECTS: 4.00
Min sum of Weight: 1.00
G CSE The challenges of a sustainable economy Weight: 0.50
G ManagIntro Introduction to management Weight: 1.00
G Property Intellectual property law Weight: 0.50
G RDI Responsible Research and Innovation: Health, Environment, Ethics and Technology Weight: 0.50
G TeamLead Personal Development and Team Leadership Weight: 1.00
Scientific and technical opening 3 Unit ECTS: 5.00
Min sum of Weight: 1.00
T ATWireless Advanced topics in wireless communications Weight: 1.00
T AwaRe Awareness-raising to research Weight: 0.50
T BigSec Security and privacy for Big Data and Cloud Weight: 0.25
G CitiCom Engagement citoyen Weight: 0.50
T Clouds Distributed Systems and Cloud Computing Weight: 1.00
T CompArch Computer architecture Weight: 1.00
T DBSys Database Management System Implementation Weight: 1.00
T DigiCom Digital communications Weight: 1.00
T EmSim Emulation and simulation methodologies Weight: 0.50
T ImCod Image & Video Compression Weight: 0.50
T ImProc Digital Image Processing Weight: 0.50
T InfoTheo_2 Advanced Topics In Information Theory Weight: 0.50
T MALIS Machine Learning and Intelligent System Weight: 1.00
T MPC Multiparty Computation and Blockchains Weight: 0.50
T MathEng Essential Mathematical Methods for Engineers Weight: 0.50
T MobCom Mobile communication techniques Weight: 1.00
T MobMod Mobility Modeling Weight: 0.50
T MobServ Mobile application and services Weight: 1.00
T MobSys Mobile communication systems Weight: 1.00
T MobiSec Mobile Systems and Smartphone Security Weight: 1.00
T OS Operating systems Weight: 1.00
T Optim Optimization Theory with Applications Weight: 0.50
T QUANTIS Quantum Information Science Weight: 0.50
T SSP Statistical signal processing Weight: 1.00
T SecCom Secure communications Weight: 1.00
T SoftDev Software development methodologies Weight: 0.50
T Stand Standardization activities Weight: 0.50
G StudCom Engagement étudiant! Weight: 0.20
G StudInit Student Initiative Weight: 0.50
T SysSec System and Network Security Weight: 1.00
T UMLEmb Designing embedded systems with UML Weight: 0.50
T WebSem Semantic Web and Information Extraction Technologies Weight: 0.50

Language Unit ECTS: 1.00

(French, or another language if the student is already fluent in French)

Semester Project Unit ECTS: 10.00

Supervised Semester Projects are based on real-case studies of industrial relevance. They combine a blend of theoretical and practical work (developing new prototypes and tools, testing new technologies, assessing current systems and solutions…). Students can work individually or in group of 2/3. The expected workload is 200 hours of individual work per semester. A defense is organized at the end. Projects provide students with hands-on skills by allowing them to put concepts into practice. (200h)

SEMESTER 10 (30 ECTS)- SPRING-  March - August


The internship is to be carried out in a company or lab in France or abroad. It allows students to get a hands-on experience and ease their entry into the job market. Students work on a research/development project under the supervision of a professor and an industrial mentor. Students are integrated as part of the staff and receive a monthly allowance, the amount of the allowance depends on the company and position. EURECOM helps students find an internship by providing an updated database of paid internship opportunities offered by companies.