Multistream space-time coding by spatial spreading

Medles, Abdelkader;Slock, Dirk T M
ICASSP 2002, 27th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Audio Processing, May 13-17, 2002, Orlando, USA

The use of multiple transmitter and receiver antennas allows to transmit multiple signal streams in parallel and hence to increase communication capacity. To distribute the multiple signal streams over the MIMO channel, linear space-time codes have been shown to be a convenient way to reach high capacity gains with a reasonable complexity. The space-time codes that have been introduced so far are block codes, leading to the manipulation of possibly large matrices. To reduce complexity, we propose a flexible spatial spreading and scrambling framework which allows to transmit an aribtrary number of streams. The number of streams would in practice be adjusted to fit the channel rank. Special cases of partial scrambling, in the case in which the number of receive antenna (Nr) is an integer fraction of the number of transmit antenna(Nt), or no scrambling, when Nr is great or equal Nt, are also considered.

Communication systems
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