Richard STALLMAN Talk - 19/09/2013


This speech by Richard Stallman will be non technical, admission is free, and the public is encouraged to attend. Activities directed at "including'' more people in the use of digital technology are predicated on the assumption that such inclusion is invariably a good thing. It appears so, when judged solely by immediate practical convenience. However, if we also judge in terms of human rights, whether digital inclusion is good or bad depends on what kind of digital world we are to be included in. If we wish to work towards digital inclusion as a goal, it behooves us to make sure it is the good kind.

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A new destinction for EURECOM !


"Best AI Mashup Award" for Ahmad ASSAF, Cifre PhD for SAP, for  the article "SNARC – A Semantic Social News Aggregator" coauthored with Aline Senart and Raphaël Troncy, during the "AI Mashup Challenge 2013 – CFP", Semantic and intelligent mashup competition, ESWC 2013, ESWC 2013, May 26-30, Montpellier. See the interview

Data Protection in Europe: more than 100 Leading European Academics are taking a position


The automatic processing of personal data is growing at an incredible pace and is starting to become an integral part of economic, administrative and social processes in Europe and throughout the world. On the Web in particular, users have learned to pay for a nominally free service by providing personal data for marketing purposes. Against this background, the overhaul of data protection regulation is now being discussed across Europe. A year ago, the European Commission presented a new draft of a European Data Protection Regulation. The European Parliament and the European Council are now preparing their views on this new regulation. At the same time, huge lobby groups are trying to massively influence the regulatory bodies.

The important research activity that leads EURECOM in the field of data protection and privacy naturally involves the discussion of this regulation. Refik Molva, Professor and Head of the Research Networks and Security Dept. at EURECOM, is among the signatories of the letter of support to the new regulations with researchers from INRIA, CNRS, the Université de Versailles and the Institut de l’Ouest.

The text to support this legislation and the list of signatories can be found online at


La fin des images truquées?


Photos of models with sublimed bodies, press images modified, war photos tampered with... An anti fraud solution is starting to prove its reliability.

Since the media has switched to an all-numerical form, it has become harder to garantee original, non tampered images and photos. The Tingstene software is the first in the world to be able to detect, in a few minutes (or hours if the image is complex), whether the file has been tampered with, even without the original.

Sophia Antipolis - Pôle SCS : La région Sud innove sur la 4G et les services M2M


Com4Innov is a mutualised platform of development and test in 4G and M2M environments. It has been put in place in the second half of 2012, and it aims to help small companies who wish to develop or validate their technologies, applications or Wireless services.

Forum OCOVA 2012 Intelligent Communicating Territories


On the 12th and 13th of september will be held the 9th OCOVA forum about Intelligent Communicating Territories.


Communicative solutions for management, promotion and development of territories, as well as services to the population.

ENGLISH L'opérateur Monégasque Monaco Telecom rejoint le groupe des partenaires industriels du GIE EURECOM EN


ENGLISH Est apud Tyrum indumentum regale textum occulte, incertum quo locante vel cuius usibus apparatum. ideoque rector provinciae tunc pater Apollinaris eiusdem nominis ut conscius ductus est aliique congregati sunt ex diversis civitatibus multi, qui atrocium criminum ponderibus urgebantur.