Person has left EURECOM
  • BENSAID Siouar


  • Siouar BENSAID received her engineering degree in 2008 from institute "l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Ingénieurs Electriciens de Grenoble" (ENSIEG) in Images and Signals Processing and Analysis (option ATIS). 
  • In 2009, she completed her Masters (Research) in "Image, Signals, Embedded Systems, and Control" (SISEA) at the University of Rennes 1 with a specialization in "Signals". She did her Masters' internship at EURECOM in the Mobile Communications Department under the direction of Professor Dirk SLOCK. The subject dealt with the issue of separation of multiple speakers in mixed audio signals. 
  • In October 2009, she joined EURECOM as a doctoral student in the Mobile Communications Department under the direction of Professor Dirk SLOCK to continue pursuing research in the same domaine."