Person has left EURECOM
  • CHOUCHANE Oubaïda


  • CHOUCHANE Oubaïda is currently a PhD student at the Digital Security Department at EURECOM - Sophia Antipolis, under the supervision of  Assistant Professor Melek Önen and Co-supervisor Assistant Professor Massimiliano Todisco, working on the TReSPAsS-ETN ESR3 Project: "Cryptographic primitives for GDPR compliance".
  • In 2020, Oubaïda obtained her MSc's Degree in Physics: Micro and Nano Electronics from the Faculty of Sciences of Monastir (FSM-Tunisia). Her research thesis entitled "Integration of a symmetric crypto-processor into a material resources management system based on RFID technology", was carried out in the Electronics and Micro Electronics (EµE) laboratory of the FSM.
  • In 2017, she obtained her BSc’s Degree in Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Automation from the Faculty of Sciences of Monastir (FSM-Tunisia). Her graduation project entitled "Intelligent Administrative Performance Controller", in collaboration with her colleague REBAI Marwen, was selected as one of the best JSENT'17 projects (Scientific Day of Electronics and New Technologies 2017). This project allows monitoring the performance of Tunisian public administration officials as well as the rate of consumption of electrical energy.