Person has left EURECOM
  • HRIZI Fatma


  • Fatma Hrizi was born in 1984 in Tunis, Tunisia.
  • She obtained her degree in computer science engineering in 2008 from the National School of Computer Science (ENSI), Tunis. She did a master "Protocols, Networks, Multimedia Systems and Images" with "Networks and Multimedia Systems" option at ENSI where she obtained her degree in 2009.
  • In August 2009, she joined the Mobile Communications Department of EURECOM as a PhD student from TELECOM ParisTech, under the supervision of Christian Bonnet and Jérôme Häerri.
  • Her areas of research include the dissemination of data and cooperation in vehicular networks and the performance evaluation. She worked on the iTETRIS project and she is currently involved in the SCOREF project .