• MICHIARDI Pietro
  • EURECOM - Data Science
  • Department Head, Professor
  • michiard@eurecom.fr
  • 04 93 00 81 45
  • 433
  • http://www.eurecom.fr/~michiard

Current Research Topics

  • Scalable Machine Learning Algorithms
  • Computational Statistics
  • Parallel and Distributed Systems

Current Research Interest

  • Pietro is a Professor of Computer Science at EURECOM, where he leads the Distributed System Group, which blends theory and system research focusing on large-scale distributed systems (including data processing and data storage), and scalable algorithm design to learn from massive amounts of data. Additional research interests are on system, algorithmic, and performance evaluation aspects of computer networks and distributed systems. The above research activity comes with several engineering challenges, which materialize in open-source software that is contributed back to the community, both to existing projects and to new ones.

Current Research Memberships

Pietro Michiardi is a member of ACM, and serves regularly as a committee member and reviewer for several international conferences, workshops, and journals including KDIR, IEEE ICDCS, IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Parallel and Distributed Systems, and many more.