NIAZ Usman

Person has left EURECOM
  • NIAZ Usman


  • Usman Farrokh Niaz started his PhD in Multimedia Communication Department at EURECOM on the 2nd of November 2010, under the supervision of Professor Bernard Merialdo.
  • He is working on indexing and learning of multimedia concepts under the umbrella of SuMACC project that is a collaboration among EURECOM, LIA (Laboratoire Informatique d'Avignon), Syllabs and Wikio.
  • Usman did his Masters from IRIT (Institute de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse), University of Toulouse III in Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing. He carried out his research internship at UBIA (Unité de Biométrie at Intelligence Artificielle) of INRA Toulouse, on Optimization of Spacial Sampling supervised by Régis Sabbadin and Nathalie Peyrard.



  • He worked as a research fellow at ISIR (Institute des Systèmes Intelligentes et de Robotiques), University of Paris 6 from October 2009 till September 2010 on the detection of textual information in images with Lionel Prevost.