SPYROPOULOS Thrasyvoulos

  • SPYROPOULOS Thrasyvoulos
  • Adjunct Professor
  • spyropou@eurecom.fr
  • 343
  • http://www.eurecom.fr/~spyropou

Sujets de Recherche

  • Distributed Storage/Caching
  • Recommendation Systems
  • 5G/5G+ Networks
  • Network Slicing
  • Social / Complex Network Analysis
  • Network Optimization
  • Applied Machine Learning
  • Stochastic Modeling and Performance Analysis

Intérêts de recherche

  • His general interests revolve around the application of different mathematical tools and/or cross-disciplinary approaches to solve or better understand difficult networking problems.

  • The analytical tools used include stochastic modeling, queueing theory, transient analysis of random walks, fluid approximations and mean-field analysis, statistical learning theory, complex network analysis, and graph theory, while the areas of application are Delay Tolerant Networks, Mobile Data Offloading, Small Cell Networks, Distributed Caching, Mobility Modeling, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Social Networks, and Traffic Classification.

  • His recent research efforts include: (i) the study of macroscopic (long term) properties of human and vehicular mobility, and their links to social network analysis, (ii) performance analysis and optimization (iii) traffic classification using flow data.


  • He is a member of the IEEE and ACM associations.
  • He has served in the Technical Program Committee of major IEEE and ACM conference (SECON, INFOCOM, MOBIHOC, SIGMETRICS, and others), and is regular reviewer for Transactions on Networking and Transactions on Mobile Computing.
  • He has also been the program co-chair for the IFIP IWSOS 2009, ACM CHANTS 2013, and IEEE NetSciCom 2014.