Person has left EURECOM
  • VELARDO Carmelo


  • Carmelo Velardo was born the 16th July 1983. He studied Computer Science Engineer at Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy) and he further specialized in Multimedia Communications at EURECOM (Sophia Antipolis, France).
  • He received is Master of Science from Politecnico in 2008 and in parallel he attained a Master research from the Ecole Doctorale (STIC) (Sophia Antipolis, France) in Image and Geometry for Multimedia and Life modelling and a Master of Science from EURECOM.
  • In July 2008 he started a Ph.D. in the Image and video group for multimedia communications and applications of EURECOM under the guidance of Professor Jean-Luc Dugelay.
  • His research focus around Video Surveillance topic. His work is partially funded by the French project Video-ID.


  • During the year 2007, he worked for six months at Panasonic SJL (San Jose, USA) within the Universal Design Group, on an novel person recognition algorithm using Smart sensors networks.