XIAO Fangqing

  • XIAO Fangqing
  • EURECOM - Communication systems
  • doctoral student
  • Fangqing.Xiao@eurecom.fr
  • 04 93 00 84 07
  • 416


  • Fangqing XIAO is currently a Ph.D. student in the communications systems department at EURECOM - Sophia Antipolis/ Sorbonne University under Professor Dirk Slock's supervision. He is now working on "Contribution of 5G+positioning to integrated sensing and communication" Project, which intends to not only improve the existing localization means or search new methods for location in 5G environment, but also integrate sensing and communication.
  • In 2022, Fangqing obtained his MSc’s Degree in Automatic System from the Department of Electrical Engineering of Polytech Nice Sophia of University Côte d’Azur. During this period, he was supported by CSC Scholarship Fund. He received his BSc’s Degree in Space Science and Technology of XIDIAN University in 2019.