ZARI Oualid

  • ZARI Oualid
  • EURECOM - Digital Security
  • doctoral student
  • 368


  • Oualid ZARI is currently a PhD student at the Digital Security Department at EURECOM in Sophia-Antipolis, under the supervision of Professor Melek Önen, working on adversarial learning and differential privacy funded by 3IA.
  • In 2021, Oualid obtained both his MSc’s Degree in Computer science from Polytech Nice-Sophia and his Telecommunication Engineering diploma from INPT-Morocco. His master thesis entitled “Privacy-preserving federated learning and attacks”, was carried out at INRIA-Sophia Antipolis under the supervision of Pr.Giovanni Neglia and Pr.Chuan Xu. In 2019, he obtained his BSc’s Degree in Physics from the faculty of science Ibntofail-Morocco.