Deterministic admission control strategies in video servers with variable bit rate streams

Dengler, Johannes;Bernhardt, Christoph;Biersack, Ernst W
IDMS 1996, International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services, March 4-6, 1996, Berlin, Germany / Also available in LNCS Volume 1045

Video servers are a key component in multimedia systems. Due to the

real-time requirements and high resource demand of digital media, a video

server must restrict the number of simultaneously serviced media streams. We

consider the admission control problem in video servers for the retrieval of

media data from secondary storage. Admission control decides whether or not a

new request can be accepted without affecting the service given to the already

admitted streams. Traditional retrieval methods, such as cyclic retrieval of vari-able

size data segments or retrieval at the stream’s mean bit rate, either cannot

profit from smoothing media traffic over larger intervals or suffer from excessive

buffer demand and latency. We introduce, for the first time, retrieval techniques

for variable bit rate data that are non-buffer-conserving in nature and cover all

traditional methods as special cases. For all the schemes, we carry out a compar-ative

performance analysis and show how they allow to trade-off buffer require-ment,

disk I/O efficiency, and latency. All the schemes considered support the

full set of VCR operations such as fast forward, pause, or fast reverse.

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© Springer. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in IDMS 1996, International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services, March 4-6, 1996, Berlin, Germany / Also available in LNCS Volume 1045 and is available at :