Dissecting BitTorrent: five months in a torrent's lifetime

Izal, Mikel;Urvoy-Keller, Guillaume;Biersack, Ernst W;Felber, Pascal A;Al Hamra, Anwar;Garces-Erice, Luis
PAM 2004, 5th annual Passive & Active Measurement Workshop, April 19-20, 2004, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France / Also Published in LNCS, Volume 3015

Popular content such as software updates is requested by a large number of users. Traditionally, to satisfy a large number of requests, lager server farms or mirroring are used, both of which are expensive. An inexpensive alternative are peer-to-peer based replication systems, where users who retrieve the file, act simultaneously as clients and servers. In this paper, we study BitTorrent, a new and already very popular peerto- peer application that allows distribution of very large contents to a large set of hosts. Our analysis of BitTorrent is based on measurements collected on a five months long period that involved thousands of peers. We assess the performance of the algorithms used in BitTorrent through several metrics. Our conclusions indicate that BitTorrent is a realistic and inexpensive alternative to the classical server-based content distribution.

Antibes Juan-les-Pins
Digital Security
Eurecom Ref:
© Springer. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in PAM 2004, 5th annual Passive & Active Measurement Workshop, April 19-20, 2004, Antibes Juan-les-Pins, France / Also Published in LNCS, Volume 3015 and is available at : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/b96961

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