Implementation and validation of a multicast routing protocol in an ad hoc network testbed

Wu, Shiyi; Takatani, Yukihiro; Bonnet, Christian; Hayashi, Masato
Med-Hoc-Net 2004, 3rd Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, June 27-30, 2004, Bodrum, Turkey

We present our experiences in implementing and validating the Multicast Routing protocol with Dynamic Core (MRDC) in a real wireless ad hoc network testbed. The testbed consists of portable PCs and PDAs to reduce hardware cost and facilitate mobility test. The architecture of MRDC has been designed and introduced into the user space of Linux operating system without modifying the kernel. MRDC creates and maintains a
group shared tree for each multicast session on demand. Besides the routing functionality, we designed a forwarding module in this implementation to forward all kinds of
multicast datagram including MBone traffic. Integrating a simplified IGMP and a multicast tree information collector into the implementation, we evaluated the bandwidth
utilization of MRDC in a stationary network scenario and the correctness of MRDC in both topology dynamic and membership dynamic scenarios in testbed experiments.

Communication systems
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