Efficient metrics for scheduling in MIMO broadcast channels with limited feedback

Kountouris, Marios;de Francisco, Ruben;Gesbert, David;Slock, Dirk T M;Sälzer, Thomas
ICASSP 2007, 32nd IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, April 15-20, 2007, Honolulu, USA

We consider a downlink channel where a base station equipped with M transmit antennas communicates with K > M single-antenna receivers, and has partial channel knowledge obtained via a limited rate feedback channel. We propose a novel scalar feedback metric that incorporates information on the channel direction, the channel gain and the quantization error in order to exploit multiuser diversity. A low complexity scheme performing scheduling based on this metric and quantized channel directional information, and employing zero-forcing beamforming is proposed. We analyze its sum rate performance, and show its asymptotic sum rate optimality for large K.

Communication systems
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