Empirical study of the impact of metasploit-related attacks in 4 years of attack traces

Ramirez-Silva,Eduardo;Dacier, Marc
ASIAN 2007, 12th Annual Asian Computing Science Conference Focusing on Computer and Network Security, December 9-11, 2007, Doha, Qatar

For several years, various projects have collected traces of malicious activities thanks to honeypots, darknets and other Internet Telescopes. In this paper, we use the accumulated four years of data of one such system, the Leurre.com project, to assess quantitatively the influence, in these traces, of a very popular attack tool, the Metasploit Framework. We identify activities clearly related to the aforementioned exploitation tool and show the fraction of attacks this tool accounts for with respect to all other ones. Despite our initial thinking, the findings do not seem to support the assumption that such tool is only used by, so called, script kiddies. As described below, this analysis highlights the fact that a limited, yet determined, number of people are trying new exploits almost immediately when they are released. More importantly, such activity does not last for more than one or two days, as if it was all the time required to take advantage of these new exploits in! a systematic way. It is worth noting that this observation is made on a worldwide scale and that the origins of the attacks are also very diverse. Intuitively, one would expect to see a kind of a Gaussian curve in the representation of the usage of these attacks by script kiddies over time, with a peak after one or two days when word of mouth has spread the rumor about the existence of a new exploit. The striking difference between this idea and the curves we obtain is an element to take into account when thinking about responsible publication of information about new exploits over the Internet

Digital Security
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© Springer. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in ASIAN 2007, 12th Annual Asian Computing Science Conference Focusing on Computer and Network Security, December 9-11, 2007, Doha, Qatar and is available at : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-76929-3_19

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