A novel distributed interference mitigation technique using power planning

Corvino, Virginia; Gesbert, David; Verdone, Roberto
WCNC 2009, IEEE Wireless Communications & Networking Conference, April 5-8, 2009, Budapest, Hungary

This paper introduces a new method for distributed interference mitigation in full spectral-reuse OFDMA cellular networks. This considers the use of pre-defined frequency-domain power profiles helping make the interference more predictable across the subcarriers. We propose a method for computing the power profiles so as to maximize the capacity of the system in case of maximum throughput scheduling, and a simple linear model implemented also in presence of a fairness-oriented scheduler. We prove that our idea of power planning gives substantial improvements in terms of outage capacity in case of fairness-oriented scheduling. The advantage of our method over previously proposed approaches for interference mitigation based on power control is that our algorithm is fully distributed and does not require any exchange of signaling between the different cells.

Communication systems
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