New directions in RFID security

Blass, Erik-Oliver;Molva, Refik
INETSEC 2009, Open Research Problems in Network Security,
23-24 April 2009, Zurich, Switzerland / Also published in IFIP "Advances in Information and Communication Technology", Vol 309, ISSN: 1868-4238



Current research in RFID security focuses on basic authentication protocols between a tag and a reader. In this paper, we claim that, in future, different new RFID-based scenarios will play an increasing role. In particular, we propose two new research directions: 1. Multi-Tag Security, and 2. RFID-based Payment. In multi-tag security, multiple tags try to jointly compute an information while using the reader either as the focal point of all communication or as a relay for tag-to-tag communication. In this scenario, the security of the computation has to be guaranteed while also privacy of individual tags must be protected. In a payment scenario, tags are used as electronic wallets similar to the notions of traditional electronic cash. Payment must be secured against malicious spending, and the privacy of tags and their payments must be protected.


This work has been supported by the RFIDAP project, grant reference ANR-07-SESU-009, funded by Agence Nationale de La Recherche as part of the SESUR 2007 call.

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© Springer. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in INETSEC 2009, Open Research Problems in Network Security,
23-24 April 2009, Zurich, Switzerland / Also published in IFIP "Advances in Information and Communication Technology", Vol 309, ISSN: 1868-4238

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