Optimal MU-MIMO precoder with MISO decomposition approach

Amara, Mustapha; Yuan-Wu, Yi; Slock, Dirk T M
SPAWC 2010, 11th IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, 20-23 June, 2010, Marrakech, Morocco

This paper proposes a new iterative implementation algorithm for sum-rate maximization in a Multiuser MIMO system (MU-MIMO). The proposed algorithm is based on joint precoder and decoder optimization. For that we considered the best existing precoder design algorithm for a MISO multiuser system proposed in . This algorithm is based on the Lagrangian sum-rate maximization procedure. For the receiving part, an optimal receiver is designed based on the system throughput maximization derived in the general case from the sum-rate expression given for a MU-MIMO broadcast channel. To link these two optimal algorithms, we use an iterative procedure transforming the MU-MIMO channel for each iteration into a MU-MISO channel trough virtual channel calculations. Finally to validate our prosed solution we compare it with an existing MMSE based iterative optimization algorithm. This algorithm proposed in is based on an MMSE as well at the transmission side than at the receiving side. The obtained results demonstrate significant gains without introducing neither supplementary complexity nor resource needs.

Communication systems
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