Cloud-based content distribution on a budget

Albanese, Francesco; Carra, Damiano; Michiardi, Pietro ; Bestavros, Azer
Computer Science Technical Report BUCS-TR-2010-022

swarm-to-cloud interactions,


CYCLOPS - dynamically adjusts the off-cloudCYCLOPS in a variety

bandwidth consumed by content servers (which represents the

bulk of the provider's cost) to feed a set of swarming clients,

based on a feedback signal that gauges the real-time health of

the swarm. Our extensive evaluation of

of settings - including controlled PlanetLab and live Internet

experiments involving thousands of users - show significant

reduction in content distribution costs (by as much as two orders

of magnitude) when compared to non-feedback-based swarming

solutions, with minor impact on content delivery times.


To leverage the elastic nature of cloud computing, a

solution provider must be able to accurately gauge demand for

its offering. For applications that involve

gauging such demand is not straightforward. In this paper,

we propose a general framework, analyze a mathematical model,

and present a prototype implementation of a canonical swarmto-

cloud application, namely peer-assisted content delivery. Our

system - called



Data Science
Eurecom Ref:
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