A complex network analysis of human mobility

Hossmann, Theus; Spyropoulos, Thrasyvoulos; Legendre, Franck
NETSCICOM 2011, 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Network Science for Communication Networks, in conjuction with IEEE INFOCOM 2011, April 15, 2011, Shanghai, China

Opportunistic networks use human mobility and consequent wireless contacts between mobile devices, to disseminate data in a peer-to-peer manner. To grasp the potential and limitations of such networks, as well as to design appropriate algorithms and protocols, it is key to understand the statistics of contacts. To date, contact analysis has mainly focused on statistics such as inter-contact and contact distributions. While these pair-wise properties are important, we argue that structural properties of contacts need more thorough analysis. For example, communities of tightly connected nodes, have a great impact on the performance of opportunistic networks and the design of algorithms and protocols.

Communication systems
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