A more attractive and interactive TV

Rodriguez, Pablo;Gafsi, Jamel;Nonnenmacher, Jörg
W3C, Workshop on Television and the Web, July 1998, Sophia-Antipolis, France

The television is currently the most important mass media. On the other hand, the World Wide Web is showing as another important mass media which can easily provide interactivity. The combination of the Web and the television can make the classical TV more attractive as well as more interactive. First, we propose a scheme which offers Web pages related to a TV program as an added-value service. The related Web pages are pushed in advance to a local cache in the receivers' TV boxes. Additionally, we also consider the situation where a Web caching hierarchy is in place and related Web documents are also pushed to the caching hierarchy. We consider the impact of these approaches in terms of latency and bandwidth. Then we discuss some feedback mechanisms that make the classical TV more interactive.

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© EURECOM. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in W3C, Workshop on Television and the Web, July 1998, Sophia-Antipolis, France and is available at :

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