Sparse precoding in multicell MIMO systems

De Kerret, Paul; Gesbert, David
WCNC 2012, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, April 1-4, 2012, Paris, France

In this work1, we consider the joint precoding across K distant transmitters (TXs) towards K single-antenna receivers (RXs) and we let the TXs have access to perfect Channel State Information (CSI). Instead of considering the conventional method of clustering to allocate the user's data symbols, we focus on determining the most efficient symbol sharing patterns. Consequently, we optimize directly the user's data symbol allocation subject to a constraint on the total number of user's data bits transmitted through the core network. We develop a novel approach whereby sparse precoders approximating the true precoders are computed. These precoders require only a fraction of the overall symbol sharing overhead while introducing only limited losses. Thereby, allocating the symbols only to their nonzero coefficients leads to very efficient symbol sharing (or routing) algorithms. Furthermore, these algorithms have a much lower complexity that conventional approaches. By simulations, we show that our approach outperforms clustering-based multicell MIMO methods from the literature and that the routing obtained is mainly dependent on the pathloss structure and can be applied using only long term CSI with reduced losses.

















Communication systems
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