Dual amplifier and loudspeaker compensation using fast convergent and cascaded approaches to non-linear acoustic echo cancellation

Mossi, Moctar; Yemdji, Christelle; Evans, Nicholas; Beaugeant, Christophe; Plante, Fabrice M; Marfouq, Fatimazahra
ICASSP 2012, 37th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, March 25-30, 2012, Kyoto, Japan

This paper focuses on cascaded approaches to non-linear acoustic echo cancellation (AEC) for mobile communications. The contributions in this paper are two-fold. They relate (i) to computationally efficient pre-processing and clipping compensation which aims to

improve non-linear modelling and (ii) decorrelation filtering which aims to improve the tracking performance of a conventional linear AEC algorithm. While well-established in the literature the two modules require significant development in order that they function

coherently in a cascaded approach. This paper presents new, adaptive parameterisation procedures for both modules and demonstrates significant improvements in terms of echo return loss enhancement when the two modules are combined.

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