Facial cosmetics database and impact analysis on automatic face recognition

Eckert, Marie-Lena; Kose, Neslihan; Dugelay, Jean-Luc
MMSP 2013, 15th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, September 30-October 2, 2013, Pula, Italy

Facial cosmetics, also called makeup, may change the appearance of a face that we could perceive. In order to contribute to studies in image processing related to facial cosmetics, a database is built which contains multiple images per person with and without applied cosmetics. Annotations provide detailed information about the amount and location of
applied makeup for each picture. Furthermore, a classification approach is presented. The classification approach takes the altering effect of the applied cosmetics and the application area into account. Since automatic face recognition evolved to an important topic over the last decades and is affected by facial cosmetics, preliminary tests are done to evaluate their impact on automatic face recognition. The face as a whole as well as its most significant makeup application areas that are skin, eyes and mouth are investigated separately.

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