Smart M2M gateway based architecture for M2M device and Endpoint management

Datta, Soumya Kanti; Bonnet, Christian
ITHINGS 2014, IEEE International Conference on Internet of Things 2014, September 1-3, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan

Internet of Things (IoT) envisions connecting and managing billions of devices and endpoints. This paper describes a smart M2M gateway based architecture to manage the huge volume of M2M devices and endpoints. The architecture is compliant with both ETSI and oneM2M standards recommendations. The resources and the attributes of the M2M devices and endpoints are described using CoRE Link Format. The measurements of the sensors and commands for actuators are carried using Sensor Markup Language (SenML). We have also introduced an extension to CoRE Link for the SenML unit resource description aimed to provide skeuomorphic experience to the end users. The gateway is composed of RESTful web services. The internal structure of the gateway and APIs to manage the M2M devices, endpoints, their discovery and interaction with the mobile clients are described in detail. The prototype implementation of the proposed system is discussed along with the lightweight development of FI-WARE Generic Enablers relevant to the work. Finally the paper summarizes the state-of-the-art, analyses the contribution of the work and concludes with future directions.

Communication systems
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