A mutual coupling resilient algorithm for joint angle and delay estimation

Bazzi, Ahmad; Slock, Dirk T.M; Meilhac, Lisa
GLOBALSIP 2016, 4th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, December 7-9, 2016, Washington DC, USA

The problem of Joint Angle and Delay Estimation (JADE) in the presence of mutual coupling is addressed. The system consists of a Single Input Multiple Output (SIMO) link in an OFDM communication setting. This paper presents two resilient algorithms that could cope with mutual coupling. The first one is an extension of an existing algorithm
in order to perform JADE, which allows resolvability of more signals. The second algorithm is an improvement of the first one, in the sense that it could handle more mutual coupling parameters. Simulation results show the difference between both algorithms. In addition, the algorithms are compared with the 2D-MUSIC method that performs JADE in the absence of mutual coupling, i.e. when a "coupling-free" model is assumed.

Communication systems
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