5G challenges for connected, cooperative and automated systems

Härri, Jérôme
INW 2018, 15th Italian Networking Workshop, Keynote Speech, January 15-17, 2018, Courmayeur, Italy

The Wifi-based V2X Communication technology ITS-G5 (a.k.a DSRC in the US) is the currently only market-ready solution to provide safety-critical V2X communications for future C-ITS applications, such as road hazard warning, lane-change warning or intersection-collision warning. Yet, future Connected Cooperative Automated Vehicles are expected to require ultra-reliable and low latency connectivity that neither the current WiFi technology or even the new Cellular V2X technology can provide. This talk will first provide a rapid overview of benefit of these future C-ITS applications as well as their expected communication requirements , then briefly review the state and capabilities of the current Wifi and Cellular V2X technologies, and finally describe the 5G challenges and roadmap  to meet the communication, networking and services required by these future Connected Cooperative Automated Vehicles.

Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
See also:

PERMALINK : https://www.eurecom.fr/publication/5431