IoT and microservices based testbed for connected car services

Datta, Soumya Kanti; Khan, Mohammad Irfan; Codeca, Lara; Denisy, B.; Härri, Jérôme; Bonnet, Christian
SMARTVEHICLES 2018, 5th WOWMOM Workshop on Smart Vehicles: Connectivity Technologies and ITS Applications, colocated with WOWMOM 2018, June 12-15, Chania, Greece

The Internet of Things (IoT) has accelerated the innovations in the connected car domain. Together with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), the IoT technologies envision unleashing efficient and more sustainable transportation systems. A connected car is already considered as an IoT resource whose capabilities can be exposed through an IoT platform, but few testbeds provide full-stack, cloud-based environment for
connected car services experimentation. This paper formulates several research and engineering challenges for developing such testbed. Our proposed testbed exploits the IoT and microservices to provide advanced functionalities such as (i) the integration of
heterogeneous sensors and vehicular communication technologies in a complete end-to-end stack and (ii) an Edge Server for vehicular data annotation, local processing with actuation. The testbed exposes the vehicular resources securely through a Cloud based
framework and open APIs. They are supported by The Web of Things (WoT) based interoperable descriptions of vehicular devices and interactions among relevant actors. Finally, the Cloud system deploys the connected car services using microservices
philosophy. In addition to that, we present a functional IoT architecture of the testbed, describe its operational phases, novel aspects, prototyping and experimentation details.

Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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