A coding scheme for stereoscopic television sequences based on motion estimation-compensation using a 3D approach

Choquet, B; Dugelay, Jean-Luc; Pelé, Danielle
ICIP 1995, IEEE 5th International conference on Image processing and its applications, July 4-6, 1995, Edinburgh, UK

The implementation of a new television service (in this case stereoscopic television or 3DTV) requires research into four fundamental areas: pick-up equipment, transmission (including, bandwidth reduction), display and picture quality. This paper focuses on the algorithm aspects for the definition of an optimal coder well-suited to 3DTV. We present a 3D approach linking 2D left and right motion in order to define a 3D coding scheme based on motion estimation-compensation. This 3D scheme is more efficient than current 2D schemes because it allows for the possibility of using a unique channel for transmitting motion estimation-compensation information instead of two or three channels motion (2D left motion, 2D right motion and eventually 2D disparity). A 3D approach could then offer new possibilities for increasing the compression rate (by about a factor 2 for additional motion information) by merging all 2D information in an unique set of 3D information

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