Excess cyclic prefix Window optimization for high doppler MIMO OFDM capacity

Gopala, Kalyana; Slock, Dirk TM
ICASSP 2019, International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 12-17 May 2019, Brighton, UK

In this work, the authors extend their previous work [1] on the design of sum rate maximizing beamformers for a MIMO OFDM scenario under high Doppler. We first justify the linear approximation for the channel variation over an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) symbol. Then, a modified power update for the optimized spatio-frequential precoder is presented. Of great interest is the exploitation of the Excess Cyclic Prefix (ExCP) at the receiver through windowing. We prove that the sum rate metric is a convex function of the window parameters and present a novel majorization based algorithm to design an optimal window. The convergence of the iterative approach is proved and the theory is validated via numerical simulations.

Communication systems
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