WoT-AD: A descriptive language for group of things in massive IoT

Le, Kim-Hung; Kanti Datta, Soumya; Bonnet, Christian; Hamon, François
WF-IoT 2019, 5th World Forum on Internet of Things, 15-18 April 2019, Limerick, Ireland

Recently, the Massive Internet of Things (IoT) and Web of Things (WoT) are remarkable research fields aiming to facilitate the connectivity, accessibility, and control of the Things by Web standards and technologies for large-scale deployment.
In such context, the end-user is capable of simply creating, mashing-up, and presenting the multiple Things to gain highlevel information. However, current research approaches much more pay attention to describe a single Thing. The modeling and building the application for the compound objects consisting of groups of Things namely "Asset" are still limited due to the lack of description and seamless integration mechanism. Moreover, the traditional IoT Device Description Language directly installed on device is highly restricted in Massive IoT scenario because of stringent requirements for power  consumption and operation cost. In this paper, we introduce the WoT based Asset Description (WoT-AD), a descriptive language for the Asset aiming to mitigate such limitations. WoT-AD explicitly describes a group of Things as homogeneous object to enable mash-up, self-discovery, and simply access their resources, entities, and services. We also provide a lightweight framework that fully integrates with WoTAD to enable WoT for Massive IoT scenario. Such integration not only effectively models the Asset but also simplifies the development of mash-up application to different-skilled users. Finally, we evaluate the performance of our proposal to demonstrate its effectiveness and scalability in real use-case.

Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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