Exploring the trade-off between privacy and coordination in millimeter wave spectrum sharing

Maschietti, Flavio; de Kerret, Paul; Gesbert, David
ICC 2019, 53rd IEEE International Conference on Communications, 20-24 May 2019, Shanghai, China

The synergetic gains of spectrum sharing and millimeter wave (mmWave) communication networks have recently attracted attention, owing to the interference canceling
benefits of highly-directional beamforming in such systems. In principle, fine-tuned coordinated scheduling and beamforming can drastically reduce cross-operator interference. Unfortunately, this goes at the expense of the exchange of channel state information which is not realistic in particular when considering interoperator coordination. Indeed, such an exchange of information is expensive in terms of backhaul infrastructure and it raises sensitive privacy issues between otherwise competing operators. In this paper, we expose the existence of a trade-off between coordination and privacy. We propose an algorithm capable of balancing spectrum sharing performance with privacy preservation based on the sharing of a low-rate beam index information where the information is subject to a data obfuscation mechanism borrowed
from the digital security literature so as to control the privacy.

Communication systems
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