Sum Capacity Maximization in Multi-Hop Mobile Networks with Flying Base Stations

Nikooroo, Mohammadsaleh; Esrafilian, Omid; Becvar, Zdenek; Gesbert, David
GLOBECOM 2022, IEEE Global Communications Conference, 4-8 December 2022, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Deployment of multi-hop network of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) acting as flying base stations (FlyBSs) presents a remarkable potential to effectively enhance the performance of wireless networks. Such potential enhancement, however, relies on an efficient positioning of the FlyBSs as well as a management of resources. In this paper, we study the problem of sum capacity maximization in an extended model for mobile networks where multiple FlyBSs are deployed between the ground base station and the users. Due to an inclusion of multiple hops, the existing solutions for two-hop networks cannot be applied due to the incurred backhaul constraints for each hop. To this end, we propose an analytical approach based on an alternating optimization of the FlyBSs’ 3D positions as well as the association of the users to the FlyBSs over time. The proposed optimization is provided under practical constraints on the FlyBS’s flying speed and altitude as well as the constraints on the achievable capacity at the backhaul link. The proposed solution is of a low complexity and extends the sum capacity by 23%-38% comparing to state-of-the-art solutions.

Rio de Janeiro
Communication systems
Eurecom Ref:
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