IMAGINE-B5G: Vertical use cases, facilities and selected projects of the first open-call

Kousias, Konstantinos; Boutiba, Karim; Alay, Ozgu; Xie, Min; Gomez-Barquero, David
EuCNC & 6G Summit 2024, European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC) and the 6G Summit, 3-6 June 2024, Antwerp, Belgium

IMAGINE-B5G (Advanced 5G Open Platform for Large Scale Trials and Pilots across Europe) is an SNS Phase-1 Stream-D project which aims to implement an advanced and easily accessible end-to-end (E2E) B5G platform for large-scale trials and pilots providing a set of B5G applications, enabled by the integration of advanced 5G disrupting technologies. In this paper, we present the seven main vertical use cases targeted in IMAGINE-B5G along the four advanced 5G experimental facilities located in Norway, Spain, France, and Portugal. In addition, the onboarding of third parties (such as SMEs, industry, and researchers) for both vertical experiments and platform extensions through open calls is part of the IMAGINE-B5G road map. To that extent, we provide an overview of the 15 projects that were chosen for financing in the first open-call. 

Communication systems
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